Do you sense that you are always the subject of mockery when it comes to exhibiting your smartness? Are you tired of always being referred to as the flathead among your peers?
We are glad to let you know that you have found the solution.
Three major steps to get on the journey of enhancing your mental capacities.The first step is to read this post here.
Second step : Read everything that falls in your hand.
At the school of smartness, reading plays a very important role. Therefore, to become smart, we should not neglect the place of reading. It is said that readers are leaders. Note, leaders are smart people, they are not flathead.
People usually considers reading as an exercise that enables you to increase your vocabulary. Undoubtedly, this fact seems true. But more than that, through reading, we have access to other people’s experiences, thus causing you to learn from them. As a result, you get fit to become smart.
However, to make the utmost of our reading, we ought not do it casually. Unless, it will be a wastage of time, and we know how much time is precious these days. Whenever you want to get engaged in reading, make sure you don’t rush. As you are reading, also ensure that you understand every single thing so as you can catch the information the author is trying to convey.
Third step: keep company with people that are smart.
Do you want to become smart?
Then, learn to stay in the mist of those who are known to be smart. If you begin to spend most of your time with smart people, whether you like it or not, you will become one of them. It doesn’t matter how stupid you have been in the past. Soon or later, you will become smart. Because, company will always influence the habit of man. Either positively or negatively.
Kindly use these steps and you will definitely see yourself becoming smart.
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