SEO is important if you want to get traffic and visibility to your website. This is why all the tools that are useful for a better referencing must be ideally done. Texts, images, videos and audios must be ideally framed and in conformity with the rules of web referencing. Thus, the images that constitute our focus here must also participate in a better positioning of a website.
Titling the image
Unlike text, which search engines read perfectly, images are almost invisible to them. That's why webmasters take it upon themselves to make images visible to search engines and position them ideally. To do this, you need to name the image appropriately. Instead of writing Img00565.jpg, you should write something else like beautiful house.jpg. This way of naming your image will give your image visibility in all home and beauty related applications. For more information, click on : other.
Using the ALT attribute
Choosing a few words that are descriptive enough and relevant enough, will guarantee your image a better ranking in Google. You will just need to avoid some subtle mistakes like accents, hyphens to link the keywords. The ALT attribute is a tool that helps the positioning of images in search engines. However, to really bring visibility to an image, it must be able to be replaced by the image and the image must also be able to be replaced by it. Also, it must be : - unique for each image, - designed in a fairly clear and concise language - within the 100 character limit - without word repetition - fairly descriptive of the image content The Alt attribute will perfectly optimise your image and its visibility.
Know the format and weight of images
The most prominent formats are of course JPB, GIF, PNG. These are the favourite formats for browsers because, with them, it is much easier to generate traffic on web pages. Therefore, in order to be able to fit in with the most requested formats and to enjoy better referencing, your image must have the right size and height. This is how the weight of your image will be managed and adapted to a good web referencing.
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