Are you looking for a content management program that can help you create websites or blogs? WordPress is the solution for you. Find out here how to install WordPress on a local server.
What are the different steps for implementing WordPress on Windows ?
WordPress is a content management program that allows you to create websites, create blogs, write and publish articles on the web. To learn more about it, go on this link. Thus, its installation can be done either on an online server or locally on Windows.
Indeed, to apply WordPress on a Windows server, you must first install an Apache and MySQL server with the WampServer software. The installation of the latter will allow and facilitate the creation of a database and the installation of the WordPress platform locally. After the installation of WampServer, you will have to create the database of your site and to give it a name. Then, you will have to download the WordPress on its site and once finished, unzip the archive. After that, you will have to make a copy - paste of the content of the WordPress directory on WampServer. Finally, you must launch the actual installation of WordPress in order to use it.
What are the advantages of using WordPress locally ?
WordPress is a software that can be installed online directly or on a Windows server (locally). Simple and easy to use, it allows you to have a copy of your site on your computer. It also allows you to make tests and modifications offline before putting them online. Therefore, installing WordPress locally will allow you to better manage and control your site.
Moreover, WordPress is a free and open source software for creating websites and blogs. It is quick and easy to install. It benefits from a large community and is the most widely used content manager in the world.
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