The world for several decades has been separated into several categories of countries. Some characterized by insolent opulence and others by disconcerting poverty. The former are known as the countries of the North, while the latter are labeled as developing or third world countries.
The economic disparities in these countries are so glaring that one wonders about the interest that these poor states might have in having any kind of cooperative relationship with each other. Through this article, we propose to provide an answer to this question.
Globalization encourages the maintenance of South/South relations
Nowadays, the prospect of the elimination of barriers between States has encouraged cooperation relations between countries. This situation has largely benefited the countries of the North, which have been able to obtain from the countries of the South an important quantity of resources of all kinds.
Faced with this situation of profit that favors the advanced countries, the countries of the South have been forced to establish and consolidate relations between them. This solution seems to be profitable, because from this relationship, the countries involved try to draw as many advantages from each other. For example, in the ECOWAS region, the various members have agreed on certain freedoms between their various nationals in order to facilitate economic and commercial relations between the various actors in the sector.
Relationships are growing between Third World countries
Considering the current data, we can see that trade relations between Third World countries are clearly growing. As we have pointed out above, these relations are due to globalization. Much more economic in nature, these international relations between developing countries have moments of peace and also pass through areas of turbulence.
In order to avoid problems that would undermine the relationship, it would be appropriate to agree on an objective and practical framework for the maintenance of the relationship. Moreover, these states must take care to respect the measures implied by the framework established.